A Tutorial on the 12F675 PIC Micro controller which shows you how to program and use it with a series of projects starting out with a simple LED flasher and progressing on to more advanced projects.
To use the tutorial files you need to have a PIC programmer with an ICSP output connector and the components shown in each tutorial.
- Programming with ICSP
- Progrmmer Circuit
- MikroC compiler Click Here for the Compiler.
The 12F675 microcontroller is packaged in an 8 pin chip and even though it is tiny it is packed with peripherals. It even has a 10bit ADC built in (this is the same ADC that you can find on the 16F877A and 16F88 used elsewhere on this site). So learning about this peripheral is also useful for these other parts.
The 12F675 has 1024 words of program memory, 64 Bytes of RAM and 128 Bytes of EEPROM, an internal oscillator, timers an ADC and a comparator.
Note:The 12F629 is identical except that it does not have the ADC.Tutorials:Tutorial1 : Flash LED (Simple port output)Tutorial2 : Key reading and debounce (Simple port input)Tutorial3 : PIC Serial Transmit (Soft Serial Transmit)Tutorial 7 : Servocontroller T0 & T1 interrupts (Soft Serial Rx, T1)